Over 60 Years of Holiday Aid

Saline Area Social Service has a long history of providing holiday aid, dating back to the organization’s founding in 1961. The 2023 Holiday Program continued this tradition, serving over 300 of our neighbors in need.

2023 Holiday Program

The 2023 Holiday Program included Adopt-a-Family, the December Meal Distribution, Christmas at Mill Pond Manor, and gifts for kids served by SASS. The 2023 Holiday Program was made possible through the generosity of over 100 sponsors—individuals, families, businesses, churches, and organizations—and many anonymous donors that joined together to support our neighbors in need during the holiday season.

Wonderful Volunteers

Volunteers played a crucial role in the 2023 Holiday Program, lending a hand during distribution events, beautifully wrapping gifts, and making deliveries to homebound community members.

Thank You!

SASS extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated, sponsored, volunteered, and contributed to the 2023 Holiday Program. The Saline community’s compassion and support have made a lasting impact on the lives of our neighbors in need, helping the holiday season be a time of joy and warmth for all.

“The success of the 2023 Holiday Program is a testament to the generosity and compassion of the Saline community,” said Jamail Aikens, SASS Executive Director. “Year after year, Saline comes together to make the holidays brighter for those facing challenges. We are deeply thankful for the unwavering support, which allows us to continue our mission of helping our neighbors in need.”

About Saline Area Social Service

Saline Area Social Service (SASS) is a private, tax-exempt non-profit organization that has been in the community for over 60 years. SASS’s mission is to provide food, emergency aid, and support to those in need in the Saline community.


Assistance & Donations

Mon: 10 am – 6 pm
Tue: 10 am – 2:30 pm
Wed: 10 am – 2:30 pm
Thu: 10 am – 12:00 pm