Capital Campaign Wrap-Up Party

On Thursday, July 25th, 2024, we held our Capital Campaign Wrap-Up Party to officially close the campaign. During the wrap-up party, campaign partners, volunteers, and members of our Board joined us at Saline Area Social Service (SASS) for a brief celebration.

SASS staff thanked the generous supporters and volunteers who provided $725,000 in building sponsorships and over 1,000 “sweat equity” hours to purchase and renovate our new home. In addition to sponsorships and sweat equity, two notable donations included a walk-in cooler, donated by Oscar and Maria Cotero, “Oscar’s Sports and Grill,” and the Roger and Kate Graef Family Foundation sponsored a new walk-in freezer. We are extremely grateful for all the support, donations, and volunteer time during the campaign and at the wrap-up party.

Executive Director Jamail Aikens said, “Thanks to the generous support of the Saline Community we were able to purchase and renovate our beautiful new home! Our new home allows us to continue to meet the food and assistance needs of our community. What a wonderful community we live in, where our most vulnerable residents have a place to turn to in their time of crisis.”

We could not have completed this campaign without the help from our community. As this chapter closes, SASS is excited to continue our work and expand our programs to help community needs. For more up-to-date information follow Saline Area Social Service on Facebook.